New From Fresh Step Cat Litter: Fight Off Extra Bad Odor With Fresh Step Scented Scoopable!

My New Fresh Step Cat Litter Discovery: A Scented Version!?

Wondering why there are times when cat litter is unable to stop certain kitty odors? Perhaps you’re experiencing my problem. After taking it to the vet, I was told to readjust its diet and was given another variety of food from our usual brand. The vet told me that my cat’s needs have altered because of its growth. It’s not something bad. Think of it as an upgrade for my pet.

With that, I needed to find yet another source of pet food coupons to use for my cat’s dining needs. I was fortunate enough to find these discount vouchers and in turn, did as I was told. My cat seemed stronger already. The only downside was that its mess’ odor was harder to contain. Even the Fresh Step Scoopable Litter was unable to stop it. Could it be that my trusted brand was failing?

But my worries came to a halt. The vet told me that it was normal for the changes to occur because of the chemicals in my cat’s new food. With this, he recommended yet another type of cat litter from the same brand. This time, instead of buying the normal Scoopable type, I switched to Fresh Step Scented Scoopables.

With the scent it had, the new litter had helped lessen the bad odor plaguing my home. This perfumed product acts up whenever cats get close to them and have extra strength in fighting off bad smells. To cat owners who are interested, it has two fragrances to choose from—Lavender Valley and Mountain Forest. When I had the chance, I bought both just to try them out. As expected, the two were successful in suppressing the horrible smell.

A Whole New Budget: Using Fresh Step Cat Litter Coupons

Because of this new discovery, I had the need to find another one of those cat litter specials. With the new feature added, the new kind of product definitely had a different price from the usual one I used. Like in my previous experiences with my pet, I use discount coupons to cut the prices. However, coupons for this scented one was a bit more difficult to find.

In the beginning, I didn’t have a hard time finding a coupon for this scented variety since I could find them in circulars given at supermarkets. Unfortunately, they didn’t give out these every single time. I ended up using printable ones found in the internet.

Once more, the web has saved me again! Without it, I don’t I’d be able to save the amount of money I’ve been able to set aside. Although I love my cat, I have to admit that budgeting is a tough job. Thanks to these Fresh Step Scoopable coupons, I’ve been able to kill two birds with one stone: eliminate the bad kitty odor and save a huge percentage of money monthly, even annually!

If you have a similar experience or have queries, you can email me at

Fresh Step Cat Litter Crystals— Fresh Step Discounts

Why Fresh Step Cat Litter Crystals Work Better Than Clay

Are you in search of the perfect brand of cat litter crystals that will work well and last a long time? If so, then you should try out Fresh Step Cat Litter Crystals. I myself am a fan of the clay product of Fresh Step, and this has always worked well for my cat. However, I saw numerous positive reviews on the crystals and decided to try them out for myself.

Both clay and crystals do well to hold in foul odors, but the crystals are known to hold more than 5 times the amount that clay can. I did notice that the crystals lasted longer in the litter box, before I had to replace it with a new batch. However, it wasn’t really five times longer. Thus, I am able to save money on cat litter products.

One of the greatest annoyances of using cat litter crystals is that they tend to be messy. My cat is a particularly feisty and energetic one, so I was afraid that she’d end up scattering crystals all over my house and garden. Surprisingly, no matter how much she tried to dig, very few of the crystals ended up exiting the litter box. This allows me to save on cat litter expenses as well.

Why Fresh Step Cat Litter Crystals are Both Safe and Convenient

Supposedly it’s because of the cat litter’s unique shape. Likewise, the crystals are soft enough so they are comfortable for my cat to walk and lay on, and she has yet to get cut or injured because of these crystals. Aside from the crystals, you also get a free litter box when you buy this Fresh Step product.

And this tray is no ordinary one. It is specifically designed so that a mechanism sweeps the inside of the litter box every 20 minutes. Thus, the box cleans itself you do not have to spend precious time and effort doing so yourself. All I need to do each day is clean the waste trap (where the waste is swept into) every other week.

If you are looking for an alternative to clay litter then you should consider buying crystal litter. If you are want to buy crystal litter then you should only buy the very best— Fresh Step Cat Litter Crystals. It works so well, it’s like enjoying Fresh Step discounts.

If you have any questions, email me at

About Fresh Step Coupon Reviews

I love cats, especially movie cats. My favorite movie cat of all is Garfield because he's so cute and cuddly.

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